October, 2024
Sondos Al Sad
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose”
Zora Neale Hurston
Research has become central to both my personal and professional life. Over time, I’ve learned to recognize the quality of public information and the logistics of sharing it effectively, especially since often the research landscape is bumpy with many checkpoints and gatekeepers.
My journey has been filled with the joy of refining research questions in pursuit of the best answers. Yet, I’ve often been self-censoring, unsure when to share what I’ve learned, fearing that the process of learning is never truly complete. Eventually, I began noticing signs of when a conclusion feels “ripe”—you start casually sharing it in conversations, and people remember you for that topic. Digital algorithms begin recommending similar research, and you recognize experts in the field even if you struggle to pronounce their names.
This recognition marked a turning point in my professional development. It also guided my approach to publishing. Here are a few tips for selecting the right journal for your research:
- Target journals you frequently cite in your own work.
- Review the journal’s editorial board for diversity.
- Consider who should know your work and whether the journal’s audience matches.
- Check the review timelines and associated publishing costs.
- Seek advice from experts who know the journal’s approach to certain topics.
Ultimately, research is about contributing to knowledge, and when you feel confident in your work, it’s time to share.