Thoughts for Food

Sondos Al Sad

Dec, 2022

“No fellow fills a container worse than a stomach. A few morsels that keep the back upright are sufficient. If we have to, then we should keep one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for breathing.”

Our relationship with food has become more dysfunctional than ever. We link it to emotions, occasions, convenience, cultures and memories. 

Producers capitalize on such links for profit and our food consumption is heedless to processes and consequences!

Reminder: “Food is a fuel to grow and thrive”

Our eating behavior must be attached to an ethical code. Separating food production and consumption from morality challenges thriving and intoxicates our fuel. 

To benefit from our dietary intake, our ingredients have to be treated with dignity

“Disclaimer: We are not at the top of the environmental chain”

If your experience with food is connected to an ailment (fatigue, heartburn, altered bowel movement, bloating, weight fluctuation): check your nutritional habits: 

What is the purpose of our intake? 

What defines enough intake?

What resources do we use to check dietary ingredients?

Is our food linked to memories and feelings?

Do we know how to handle food if ready-made resources (including farming crops) are not available?

If we do not have clear answers to the questions above, then our relationship with dietary intake has to be reformatted and transformed. Our diet has to follow a moral compass.  

Action item: Consider discussing the questions above with your loved ones 🤓

About memorable dishes: to eat the same food our ancestors ate as is and as much does NOT make sense, because we have a completely different lifestyle. 

Until a public health revolution comes to stop the rabid mass production of consumable merchandise, our individualized efforts shall grow to make informed and purposeful choices. 

To help myself and my family, I am currently reading this book and using some recipes from here. 

Where will you start?